
Building Muscle Mass TIPS

Recommended Bone And Muscle Mass

I've tried every approach possible to tone and build my muscles but at the same time trying desperately to avoid taking supplements or even using a more drastic approach. Things like: looking for information on recommended bone and muscle mass, body fat, muscle mass ranges, and how to get bulk without losing muscle mass. (There is a more detailed discussion of this subject here: Weightlifting Routine For Beginners)

Yeah, I know. Crazy. Even more crazy stuff I tried: how to maintain muscle mass with a hamstring injury; how to keep muscle mass the same; optimal body muscle mass percentage; how to great muscle mass; how to put on muscle mass and cut up at the same time/; mass gaining workout by muscle and fitness using 6 reps; and building bulk muscles without losing lean body mass. But then, I finally found something that worked! :-)

I know how tough it has been for you to maintain the muscle mass that you already have without lifting weights seven days a week. I understand how painful it is when you think your body has changed from the work you have done and no one even notices. I've been there, too.

Because of that, I know how great it feels when you finally get to throw away those magazines and flush those supplements down the toilet because you just found what you have been looking for. Just picture how much better your life will be, when YOU gain muscle instead of fat and you feel like a new you.

(For more details on this, go here: Proper Weightlifting Techniques)

It was a big relief, when I no longer had to worry about things like recommended bone and muscle mass, body fat, muscle mass ranges, and how to get bulk without losing muscle mass. I was so glad I found something that helped me feel more confident with my body because I looked so lean and clean by doing... (read more at Basic Weight Training Routines)


1993, Collected citings from foreign publications (not available in English), on Anthony Tenuta Bodybuilding

1995, Proceedings of the International Organization, List of References for Bioizer Bodybuilding

1998, Transcript of the 3rd Symposium, Abbreviated Notations on Best Bodybuilding Exersices

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