
Build Muscle And Get Ripped FAST

How To Get Ripped Without Doing Work

I've tried every approach possible to bulk up in just a matter of days or weeks but it is really difficult when you don't know how. I've searched for things like: how to get ripped without doing work, instructions to gain 50 pounds of muscle in a month, and huge female muscle growth. (There is a more detailed discussion of this subject here: Weightlifting Routine For Beginners)

Yeah, I know. Crazy. Even more crazy stuff I tried: how much muscle can you build in one week; weight training 6 month program; how do you build muscle plus get toned; how to get ripped in 1 day; how to get ripped in a week; 30 day muscle building; and how to get stronger quicker. But then, I finally found something that worked! :-)

I know how difficult it is to get tones or ripped quickly for a special occasion or for that special someone you want to impress. I understand how painful it is look like a frail unfit bean pole. I've been there, too.

Because of that, I know how great it feels when you finally see some definition in your stomach and you actually have biceps instead of those skinny little arms you are used to looking at. Just picture how much better your life will be, when YOU start getting compliments from your friends and they are coming to you for advice.

(For more details on this, go here: Proper Weightlifting Techniques)

It was a big relief, when I no longer had to worry about things like how to get ripped without doing work, instructions to gain 50 pounds of muscle in a month, huge female muscle growth. I was so glad I found something that gave me the satisfaction and utter joy that comes along with having the body of your dreams, by doing... (read more at Basic Weight Training Routines)


1993, Collected citings from foreign publications (not available in English), on Anthony Tenuta Bodybuilding

1995, Proceedings of the International Organization, List of References for Bioizer Bodybuilding

1998, Transcript of the 3rd Symposium, Abbreviated Notations on Best Bodybuilding Exersices

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